Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Episode 11

Sorry for the delay on this week's episode. YouTube has decided to stop letting me sample copyrighted music. Big headache, big bummer. So, all music is courtesy of my friend Kwaku's old band, Papakoo.


  1. Hooray! I've been checking everyday! OK first of all... that 80 peeps guess was so bad... I was totally distracted when you asked me that on the phone. I just want all your viewers to know that I am not an idiot! I love that Chase was holding the reindeer at the end... that's a new move for him!

  2. Okay Amanda shouldn't feel bad because whoa was I off! But I always say gobig or go home so at least I did that. It was great to spend the day with you all on Saturday and Estelle loves her present. Chase looks more and
    ore like a baby and less like an infant in this post! Love you all!

  3. I agree with your motto, Katie. Thanks for the comments, both of you!
