Sunday, March 28, 2010

Episode 10

Be sure to watch to the end and leave your "Which is Bigger?" guess in the comment section!


  1. Whoa, Marshmallo Peeps vs Chase??? I think 1000! He's a very big boy and Peeps are all air!
    Where the @*^% are you going to get enough Peeps'll have to buy out Franks and the CVS.

  2. We'll likely have to make a close estimate, based on the calculated weight of all those Peeps. Buying enough to actually balance the scales with him may be overkill.

    Regardless, Donna, your guess has been duly noted!

  3. It is amazing to watch this guy turning into a little man week by week.

    Very strange, though, to see ads for a Sony Playstation rolling by under the video...isn't it a little early to be selling his soul to Madison Avenue? Oh well, I guess anything for a college fund. If current trends continue, it will cost about $975,000,000 to send him for the first semester, not including books, so I'm all for doing what you have to do.

    By the way, to prove that the aforesaid Madison Avenue has some real power, I know of a late night infomercial with a spray can of hair to cover bald spots. That may help Chase's self-esteem (or maybe Jo's?) See Malcolm Gladwell's latest "What the Dog Saw" for more on Ron Popeil.

    As far as "Which is Bigger?" I fear I must recuse myself. For those of you who are not aware of my confectionery roots, I grew up just a few miles from the Just Born Candy Company, maker of Peeps. Of course, all this inside information makes it unfair for me to guess, as I know the number to seven decimal places. Various non-compete clauses and my own personal integrity force me to take that number to my grave, however.

  4. Get out the Rogaine!
    Our Peep estimate was miscalculated last week. We guess 820 Peeps. However, Donna may be closer with her guess of 1000 since you are obviously using Chase as a human garbage can and stuffing him at each feeding. In addition to the autism, you are now clogging his arteries. Don't understand why he looks so healthy and happy! Wishing you good egg hunting.

  5. Gemni,
    There's a lot of pressure on your guess, since you had the idea in the first place. We're not sure what your prize will be if you're right: perhaps 820 Peeps.

    Those ads drive me crazy. Youtube is clearly NOT free. Using my son to push product? Absolutely abhorrent!

    I've read Gladwell's book and actually have a new invention for Popeil to create and pitch: a swing that shakes laterally as it swings front and back. Chase would love that.

    Finally, I accept that you have far too much knowledge of the candy industry to fairly participate in this week's Which is Bigger?, but that does not excuse your wife. I expect her prediction soon!

  6. I posted my answer at my blog, so as not to ruin the fun for everyone still crafting their guess :)

  7. Ok - I can't believe I said 80 peeps. I was totally distracted... it is definitely more... 300 peeps is my final answer.

  8. Hate to tell you, Amanda, but the new report has already been recorded. Your 80 peeps has to stand as your official answer. Don't worry -- your guess was actually closer than your Dad's!
