Sunday, February 21, 2010

Episode 5


  1. Woo Hoo! I'm famous!! ;) Yeah. Fred is making fun of me... :p Always sounds funny when I hear my old name...

    Carriers are on their way this week, I can't wait to hear your reviews of them!

    When Abbey cries I sing to her. Fred tries, lord does he try... But um, it works better if I do it. ;) She is very musically motivated!


  2. Thanks for including me in The Chase Report! It was great to see you all. I'll be back before you know it!!

  3. CONTEST: Which will be bigger on Easter Sunday, April 4: Chase, the Easter Bunny, or 13 pounds of Peeps?

  4. So I am going to re-recommend my favorite sleep book as a potential solution for the crying. Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child is a great resource! Sometimes (the author suggests) the babe is crying because he has been awake too long! I had to reread this with Kendra and her crying diminished greatly after I slept her more often.
    Good luck with the carrier will love the Ergo carrier when he is bigger. Kendra can still ride in hers!

  5. Amy, isn't it strange how sleep begets sleep? The more Abbey sleeps, the more Abbey sleeps, the more Abbey sleeps!

  6. The crying...hmmm. If he's not hungry and he doesn't need a diaper change, he is probably upset that the Democrats are squandering their short-lived Congressional majority.

  7. With my niece, Sasha (aka Decibella), we tried pre-warming the bed with a water bottle and laying her down with my sister's shirt in the hopes that she wouldn't get chilled in the transition or wake up from the difference in smell. Can't really say that it worked, however. That child.../shudder...I can still hear her screaming. Hope to heaven Chase isn't putting you through that!

  8. To be noted: Nanna and Papa watched this along with me tonight and laughed often, ooo-ing and ahhh-ing at all of Chase's pictures. They of course went to bed ordering me to make this comment "from all of us." However the rest of this is solely my opinion/suggestion/etc:

    Now, on to the whole crying thing - I know I don't have the most experience as a mom but I remember having James swaddled a lot of the time (even during the day) when he was Chase's age - don't know if you're already doing that but that can help a lot with the crying if you know he's fed and dry - at least until he's 4 months or so...

    Congrats to Chase on the rolling over! That seems early to me but maybe it just felt longer with Estelle this time around? Kudos to him! :)

    I love the Ergo although I never used it with James as an infant, more as he got bigger and was too heavy in the Baby Bjorn...(now it's packed away so I can't even try it with Estelle though I'd love to) but I say if he's not crying (or suffocating) then it's good! He looked comfortable on the video. Chase is like no other baby (not in a bad way but in the way that all babies are individuals) and the sooner we realized that about James and went ahead trusting our instincts the better things got. Not to say we didn't read every book out there, but there is no magic formula that will work for Chase because it worked for Estelle or any other baby. Mix and match and see what happens - it's a lot like a science experiment, testing hypotheses. You may be new parents but you know Chase better than anyone else!

    Finally, I vote for the "Which is bigger" reveal to be on the next episode so that we can all weigh in and discover if we were right after a suspenseful week.

    Much love - Auntie K

  9. One piece of advice that has been helpful, although it sounds like lunacy:
    Don’t be afraid to be loud. Let the kid get used to you talking in a normal voice and doing things versus having a “lock down” while sleeping, otherwise the baby may wake at the sound of a creaky floorboard. Of course our daughter is now such a sound sleeper that she pees in her bed (but without waking so she gets a good night sleep).

  10. Thanks for all the fantastic suggestions, folks. The sense of support that we get from your voices is a valuable as the ideas, themselves! We'll let you know what works...
