Friday, February 5, 2010

Episode 3


  1. Doing a little catch-up reading on the little guy (I mean Reed of course) as I've been a bit out of the loop this week. So great to get my weekly fix of you three.

    Having just dealt with the medical profession with Mom this week, I can only imagine how frustrating it must be not to have a definitive answer on the tongue surgery. You just want to do what's best for your son, but you get differing opinions on what that may be. Short of going to medical school for seven years, how do you quickly distill that knowledge enough that you can resolve the conflicting reports?

    All that being said, of course, I have total confidence that you guys will figure it out. Can't wait to meet the little guy in person (this time I mean Chase, not Reed).

  2. Great post! The visiting nurse is wonderful even if just for confidence building, but, Reed, thank you for applying the caveat to "absolutely free." As for the ankyloglossia, it certainly was not passed down from Nana, who, it can never be said was ever tongue tied. I do agree, however, that she still rocks. Let's be a bit more astute with the "which is bigger" segment. You weren't even close! Perhaps more foot massages....

  3. Great episode this week! We had a bit of an issue with James having a slight tongue-tie. My lactation consultant thought it was why I had such pain for so long when I breastfed him. We considered the procedure of clipping it but on the advice of our ENT, did NOT get it done as it didn't seem severe enough to bother. It obviously never affected his weight gain and as for his speech I think he's doing ok. He seems pretty normal for a 3 yr old although he has a few things I'm keeping my eye on - but my guess is he'll be fine. I think going to an ENT is a great idea because in our case, he made our decision really easy to make. I know the Zantac is hard thing - but both my kids have been on it (E still is!) and have done fine with it so don't worry too much. One last note - in my experience, seems to expect kids to be a certain milestones sooner than what is actually normal. I'm sure their percentages are fine but just wanted to give that word of warning so you don't freak out if Chase isn't clapping when "they" say he should be. :) You both look great by the way! love Katie

  4. Well I have enjoyed my 4am cup of coffee with all of you - thanks for letting me peek into your world! Chase is amazing and you two look great!

  5. Wow, love reading all of these comments. Thanks so much for the feedback, humor, and advice. Especially appreciate the thoughts on the tongue-tie issue. Indeed, if he IS tongue tied, it will be a first for THIS family! See you all next week!
